Fat helps your body absorb certain vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, from all the healthy fare you so dutifully pile on your plate. These nutrients do everything from fortify your bones to protect against heart disease. According to a recent study from Ohio State University, people who ate salsa made with avocado (which is rich in healthy fat) absorbed four times more of the antioxidant lycopene and nearly three times more vitamin A from tomatoes than those who ate nonfat salsa.
I was eating so healthy in the beginning of my journey I was actually depriving my body of fat. Remember not all fats are created equal but your body does need it! Don't use your body's fat needs as an excuse to inhale every chocolate chip cookie or slice of bacon that crosses your path. "Bad" fats (saturated and trans fats) are usually found in animal-based and processed foods (think steak, cheese, butter, and doughnuts), while "good" fats (poly- and monounsaturated ones) tend to come from fish and plant sources, such as salmon, olive and soybean oils, nuts, and seeds.
The blog about the label being your best friend..This blog proves that even more. The label breaks fat in two sections, know them as the good fat and the bad fat. Beware of one thing if a product has less than 1/2 gram of trans fat, legally can be labeled as zero. There is the BIG FAT TRUTH!