I have had many questions about carbs...when weight watchers changed their points program it became an additional issue. Many foodies (including myself) felt the new program punished you for eating carbs. The answer to that is yes carbs have a higher points value, but, weight watchers gave you more points. I actually feel the new program is the same as the old. Let's face it weight watchers is a company that strives to make money. Everyone needed to buy a new calculator...okay I am getting off the subject. We need to start with why your body truly needs carbs to function.
Carbohydrates are a primary source of fuel for the body and are easily converted into energy. Your mind and body need carbohydrates to function at their optimal level, and you can meet your daily carb requirement by eating several different types of foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals and flour products.
When you're trying to lose weight, you need to eat a certain amount of carbs to have enough energy to get through your day but need to cut back or eliminate some sources of carbohydrates completely. Well wait ....when I first joined weight watchers the appeal was you could eat whatever you wanted as long as you stayed within your points ...right! Well that is still true, we are not all perfect and we do fall off the wagon from time to time. Okay I am straying from the topic again....
We now know what carbs function is...energy! The most important thing to remember about carbs is that not all carbs are created equal. Unrefined carbs, or slow-absorbing carbs instead, you would feel fuller, longer. Unrefined carbs such as oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta and whole grains are absorbed much more slowly and will leave you feeling full. These carbs also contain a high amount of fiber, which is important for keeping your digestive system in good order.
Refined carbs foods such as white bread, pasta, sugar and potatoes are made up of refined carbs and are quickly absorbed by the body. Eating these foods releases a high level of insulin into the bloodstream, which means you'll be hungry only a few hours
Carbs play an important role for keeping you healthy because they are an important resource for your energy supply; making sure you eat enough healthy carbs is the key to successful weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Just make sure the bulk of your diet comprises unrefined carbs so you can lose weight and keep it off for the long-term.