The first myth buster blog was so popular we will add to it from time to time. To recap it's all about marketing, after all marketing sole purpose is to sell the product. Whether it is the spectacular super bowl commercials or just the packaging. With that said let's dive back into busting some myth's.
Organic foods are are better for me? Depends on the product....if you peel a banana then no, but if you eat a strawberry then yes. If you eat the skin or the outer layer then organic is worth the extra money. Organic chicken or free range chicken just means the chicken have the option of going out the door outside....doesn't mean they do! See the blog on organic for more details
Fresh vegetables are better than frozen? No! The frozen vegetables are picked at the peak of ripeness and frozen immediately all the nutrition is packed in those little frozen bags. Some veggies are picked before ripe so in transit they ripen. Depending on the veggies some are actually better frozen. Frozen can also be cheaper!
Light Olive Oil is healthier for you because it has less calories...NO! Light means the color, not the fat content!
It's best not to eat after 7 pm? It's not the time but the type of food which you eat that counts. Eating more calories than you burn will make you gain weight. But late snacking can push your calorie intake over the edge. Eating just before you go to bed can hamper sleep patterns in that it messes with your insulin. I'd suggest you don't eat for two to three hours before bed.
Chocolate has lots of fat, lots of sugar so I can't have it? NO! I am sure many are happy to hear this one (personally I would rather have my carbs) Dark chocolate contains flavanols, antioxidants that seem to have a blood-thinning effect, which can benefit cardiovascular health. And, recently, researchers in Switzerland reported that eating dark chocolate (1.4 ounces of it) every day for two weeks reduced stress hormones, including cortisol, in highly stressed people. But, remember to count points/calories, this doesn't give you free reign to all things chocolate.